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Roundabout Theatre Company Presents


Starring Will Brittan, Stephen Carrasco, Eli Gelb, Cynthia Mace, Idina Menzel and Jack Wetherall

A Play by Joshua Harmon

Directed by Daniel Aukin

Final Performance on August 26, 2018 at the Laura Pels Theatre 

Roundabout reunites writer Joshua Harmon (Bad Jews, Significant Other) and director Daniel Aukin (Bad Jews) for Skintight, a scorching examination of beauty, youth and sex. Reeling from her ex-husband’s engagement to a much younger woman, Jodi Isaac turns to her famous fashion-designer dad for support. Instead, she finds him wrapped up in his West Village townhouse with Trey. Who’s 20. And not necessarily gay. But probably an adult film star. At least, according to Jodi’s son. Who’s also 20. And definitely gay. Skintight assays the nature of love, the power of attraction, and the ways in which a superficial culture persists in teaching its children that all that matters is what’s on the inside.

Contact: Matt Polk / Jessica Johnson /

Jeffrey Fauver / Maral Chouljian 

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