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Contact: Matt Polk / Tom D’Ambrosio /

Lauren Murphy / Alex Seeley

Nominated for 1 Outer Critics Circle Award​


Starring Daniel Radcliffe, Cherry Jones and Bobby Cannavale

A Play by Jeremy Kareken, David Murrell and Gordon Farrell

Based on the Essay/Book by John D’Agata & Jim Fingal

Directed by Tony Award nominee Leigh Silverman

Final Performance on January 13, 2019 at Studio 54

Jim Fingal (Daniel Radcliffe) has a small job: to fact check articles for one of the best magazines in the country. Jim Fingal’s  boss (Cherry Jones) has given him a big assignment: apply his skill to a groundbreaking piece by legendary author John D’Agata (Bobby Cannavale). And now, Jim Fingal has a huge problem: John made up some of his article. Well, a lot of his article. OK, actually, maybe the majority of it? What starts professional quickly becomes profane as one question rises to the surface: Can Jim Fingal ever just shut the fact up?

THE LIFESPAN OF A FACT is based on the stirring true story of John D’Agata’s essay, “What Happens There,” about the Las Vegas suicide of teenager Levi Presley. Jim Fingal, assigned to fact check the piece, ignited a seven-year debate on the blurred lines of what passes for truth in literary nonfiction.

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